Many apologies to the frequent visitors to my blog. I have not been updating it since last year, well before Christmas. This is definitely the longest period of my blog's idleness.
I won't be surprise if some of you think that I went missing all this while.
I must say that the road to 2007 wasn't really a smooth one. Many parts of Southern Peninsular Malaysia faced the devastation of flood and the people of Kuching are lucky not to suffer the same fate, at least not yet it seems. Close to the end of the year, my university had a fire alarm, just a few days before the Open Day event. I heard that people had to use the staircase to visit the different booths on that day.
Now they know what Swinburne is all about.
None of the above incidents really hit me in anyway actually. I'm no flood victim, nor was I there when the fire broke out in the university. But right before the end of the year, an earthquake in Taiwan crippled the undersea cable system for global communication, which rendered the local Internet service to almost a halt. Broadband suddenly became the 'stone age' (remember the Streamyx ad?) once again. My daily routine of reading news, check mails, surfing the Net became painfully annoying, I stopped doing so for a few days. It was then that I realized how much the Internet means to me, and how much I depend on it daily.
Pretty scary I reckon.
Parts of my holidays were spent on watching movies I longed to watch. At the moment, I have pretty much finished The X-Files Season 5, another four seasons and I would have completed the entire airing of the series. Watching The X-Files really brings back a lot of memories to me. The first time I watched The X-Files on TV was around ten years ago on my local TV station. I remember it was on Wednesday night, and then it was changed to Thursday night. After the third season, the airing times collided with my high school studies and I missed out most of the time. I was only able to catch maybe ten or twenty minutes of certain episodes, and before I knew it, there was no more The X-Files. Thus, watching it again is really enjoying for me, even though personally, The X-Files after Season 4 isn't that interesting anymore.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson's hairstyle really reminds me that it's a ten-years-ago show
Also, I 'revisited' several movies of the past as well. I avoid using the word 'old' because most of the movies I watched during the holidays were made in 2005 and last year, except Event Horizon, which I would gladly agree with my friend to be one of the scariest sci-fi movies ever created. Some of the images are vividly horrible until now. Other cool movies include Silent Hill, The Descent, Underworld, and Population 436. Population 436 is another great thriller to be watched. Lack of Hollywood superstars, the story about how a small town keeps its population limit to 436 all the time to ward off an ancient curse is really quite disturbing. Don't get me wrong, it's not a kill-them-all gore flick at all.

Watching Kate Beckinsale in tight black leather fighting monsters again is pretty fun :-)
Anyway, the bottom line is this: my blog is coming to life again!