* Ryubi Gundam - Yuuki Kaji (梶裕貴)
* Chouhi Gundam - Masayuki Katou (加藤将之)
* Kan-U Gundam - Hiroki Yasumoto (安元洋貴)
* Ukin Gyan - Rikiya Koyama (小山力也)
* Ryofu Tallgeese - Atsushi Miyauchi (宮内敦士)
* Toutaku Zaku - Tetsuo Komura (小村哲生)
* Bacho Blue Destiny/village boy - Mutsumi Tamura (田村睦心)
Among the seven characters listed, Bacho Blue Destiny is the only one voiced by a female seiyuu, even though, yes, Bacho Blue Destiny is one of the five Gokoshou generals of Shou. ^^;
The theme song is called "Mirisha Legend -The Brave Legend-" (三璃紗伝説 -The Brave Legend-).
The movie will premier on February 27th.
Image is from Futaba Imageboard and the official site.