The TV program, called "Gundam Double O Special Edition Celestial Beings", will be on TBS channel at 1.55AM.
It's reported that a new trailer from the movie will be shown in this TV program.
The program will be repeated on another channel, MBS on September 17th at 2.55AM, one day before the premier of the movie in Japanese cinemas.
Information is from CD Journal. Image is from this previous posting.
On a related note, Gundam Dot Info announces that a special Story Card will be given out as limited prize for fans who are going to catch the movie in cinema.
The story card will feature new stories that happen in the timeline of the TV series of Gundam Double O, written by Kuroda Yousuke (黒田洋介), the screenplay writer of Gundam Double O Season 1, 2 and the movie.
Also, the card will have 12 designs in total, with 3 different characters to be given out in 4 weeks period:
Starting September 18th: Setsuna, Descartes, Graham.
Starting September 25th: Kati, Patrick, Andrei.
Starting October 2nd: Tieria, Feldt, Allelujah.
Starting October 9th: Lockon, Marina, Saji.
One card to be given out per person.
Information is from Gundam Dot Info.