Welcome to my Blog. I don't use this blog as in how a blog is normally used, which is to talk about one's life and all the tit-bits happened in one day. Rather, I would like to share about some of my interests, mainly on my Gundam collection, movies, books and music.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
SRW OG Albero Est's Gespenst Mark II Kai New Images
GA Graphic has a gallery up for Kotobukiya's upcoming SRW OG plamo kit - 1/144 RPT-007K-P2 Production Type Gespenst Mark II Kai (Albero Est's Unit) announced back in mid November last year.
170mm tall when completed. Comes with a new armament - F2W (Two-way Folding) Cannon. Convertible between the two forms of "S Range" and "L Range" without part swapping.