Friday, June 22, 2007

Life as a Game

This is a really nice song about life written and sand by one of my favorite singers, Zhihua Zheng. In my opinion, it’s one of the best songs to describe the life of a lowly lowly ant-size people (that means most of us) in this world. It’s just so cool to be able to listen to it once more.

A really beautiful painting named "Doorway to the Stars" by Josephine Wall. Although not entirely related to the topic, but won't it be nice to see life as how we see this painting?

<<游戏人间>>Click to play - 郑智化

世界太罗嗦, 不分对或错
像我这样的老百姓, 谁会在乎我
有钱的当老大, 没钱的难过活
就算是看不惯, 我又能如何

爱人离开我, 不说为什麽
伤心难过的时候, 我学会了喝酒
每次我都喝醉, 但从来不犯错
明天酒醉醒来, 我还是我

笑容太甜, 泪水太咸
山盟海誓, 到了最後难免会变
烦恼太多, 未来太远

日子怎麽过, 快乐不快乐
该来的会来, 该走的会走
反正都是没把握, 不必太强求

我有我的梦, 我有我的痛
装疯卖傻的时候, 你不要笑我
也许有一天, 你我再相逢
睁开眼睛看清楚, 我才是英雄

笑容太甜, 泪水太咸
山盟海誓, 到了最後难免会变
烦恼太多, 未来太远

江湖的路上, 我身不由己

Life as a Game - by Zhihua Zheng

A noisy world, no right or wrong
For an ordinary person like me, who would care anyway?
The wealthy becomes the boss, the poor lives their life in hardship
Even if I don’t like it, what can I do?

My love left me, didn’t say why
In the time of sorrow and pain, I learnt to drink
I’m drunk all the time, but I never do anything wrong
When I’m awake tomorrow, I’m be back to myself again

Smiles are too sweet; tears are too painful
Promises and oaths can hardly hold in the end
Worries are too many, the future is too distance
Why don’t you accompany me to just tour this game of life?

How to live a life? How to be happy?
Such absurd questions! Don’t come and ask me
Those that are meant to be yours will be yours, and those that are not will go away
Since nothing is for sure, there’s no need to force yourself

I have my dream; I also have my pain
When I’m wearing a mask in my life, don’t laugh at me
Maybe one day we will meet again
Open your eyes at look at me carefully, I’m probably be the hero

Smiles are too sweet; tears are too painful
Promises and oaths can hardly hold in the end
Worries are too many, the future is too distance
Why don’t you accompany me to just tour this game of life?

I tasted what is called life
I can accept the warmth and cold in humanity
In this world, I’m but a pawn
Look pass the black and white
Forget vengeance and hatred
With freedom, I tour this game of life