Reissued! BB Senshi SD Gundam the World - 14 characters in three colors (red, blue and green). Characters include Gundam RX-78-2, Zaku II Mass Productive Type, Zakrello, Guncannon, Guntank, Musha Gundam, Musha Mk. II, Musha Zeta (Centaur form), Musha Double Z, Zeong, Musha Nu (仁宇), Noumaru Gundam (農丸大河スペシャル), Saiko (斎胡), and 2nd Dai Shogun (二代目大将軍)
Early June release, 100 Yen each.
Gundam 原典継承 (Inheritance of the Originals? - my own translation) - Designed based on Kunio Okawara-sensei's illustration for the different MSs in 原典継承, a pinup series currently ongoing in the monthly magazine Gundam Ace since 2006. All four types featuring Gundam RX-78-2, Char's Zaku II, Guncannon and Zaku I.
Late June release, 300 Yen each.
Information and images from Toysdaily: link 1, link 2.