135mm tall. 15 points of articulation, 13 Revoltech joints used.
Unique separation of the shoulder joint and Revoltech joint installed for the abdomen allow wide articulation possibility for the upper body.
Bold design of 6mm Revoltech joint resembling the socks for wide articulation of the ankle.
4 types of face expressions
option hand unit x11 and rope & hook.
Folding chair and table included, can be used with combination of other items to reproduced various scenes.
2 extra parts of dial and keyhole plus the hand unit with key can be used in combination with the RevolContainer to reproduce the scene of breaking the safe deposit.
Bullet effect parts are included.
October 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Lupin's friend, Daisuke Jigen will be released on November 15th at the same price.
Images are from Hobby Stock.