Johann Trinity's Throne Eins

Michael Trinity's Throne Zwei

Neena Trinity's Throne Drei

Union Flag and its variations

HRL's mecha, including some very creative tank designs, and AEU's Enact, Hellions and other variations.

Some of the characters from the anime.

The design for GN-Arms and the HG 1/144 version coming in this month ^^

The ultimate baddy now: ^^; GN-X

The black and white sketch version, and Ali Al-Saachez's Agrissa. With Graham Aker refusing the offer to pilot one of 10 GN-Xs assigned to the Union, Ali seems likely to take that role.

HG 1/100 Virtue's Gunpla design.

Gundam Astraea from 00P with double GN Launcher.
Seriously, Bandai should release a 1/100 Astraea soon. It's just to cool to be missed!

Also from 00P: Gundam Sadalsuud Type F with an extremely brilliant backpack design. His Revolver Bazooka is equally awesome!

Characters from 00V. That girl reminds me of Nena Purpleton from UC0083: Stardust Memory ^^

First we get to see the design of Throne Eins Turbulenz, now we get to see the Gunpla version of it.
Got to salute those Japanese Gunpla artist ^^