Back then, I must have hesitated to build this Core Fighter along with Gundam, Guncannon and Guntank from that kit because of the difficulties in painting. I don't have Gundam Markers at that time, so I left it on its runner to be built some time later. 'Some time later' turned out to be so many years later XD
Anyway, this Core Fighter is not transformable, just as the one included for HGUC GP01, GP01Fb, GP03S and S Gundam. A Core Fighter is a bit too little to be counted as a Plamo Review, so I'll just mention it briefly here.

The steps for assembling the Core Fighter, simple-simple ^^

All the parts for this Core Fighter, and painting in progress.

I actually used the interior of the parts to dip out the paint from my Gundam Marker, since the affected parts won't be seen anyway.

Painting and assembling aren't hard at all. You just need a bit of time and patience to apply a few layers of white paint on the parts to cover up the original colors beneath.

Completed! ^^

The 'ancestor' of all Core Fighter/Core Block system in the Gundam Universe ^^
Well... That all XD
Watch out for a bigger Gunpla review soon. Hehe~