The petrol price in the country is up from RM1.92 to RM2.70 per liter now, a hike of 40 percent. In addition to that, electricity bill will be up as well, which piles on top of the price hike for rice, and just about everything else.
Is that going to affect my interest in Gunpla? Most probably not, but I don't think I'll be able to accomplish the Gunpla wish list I promised myself last birthday. I think right now, even if I have extra money to spend, it's better to save up for the unknown future.
Time to cross out
Anyway, GA Graphic posted images of the samples for HCM-Pro Sandrock and SHCM-Pro Zaku II Mass Productive Land Type:
HCM-Pro Sandrock.
SHCM-Pro Zaku II Mass Productive Land Type.
All images from GA Graphics.
The color of these figures strangely reflects my feeling ^^;