Nicely molded parts for the Core Fighter which emphasize on minimum parting lines. Then again, this isn't exactly new anymore eh? ^^;
Since Ver. OYW doesn't have a Core Fighter system, and the one in Ver. 1.5 uses the same one from the very first MG, the Core Fighter goes through a huge improvement in Ver. 2.0. For example the missile launcher adapted from the PG version, details of the thrusters ... the ability to adjust the pilot seat to face the cockpit hatch after the transformation. Not to mention all the colors are molded as well.
Comes with a little transparent for the Core Fighter itself.
The best so far? You bet! ^^
Images from Apron No Hito's Mokei Production Diary.
The 'typical' Ver. 2.0 construction manual - black border around the image from the box art. A very 80's styled illustration this time, but no kidding, it'll be very close to how the assembled RX-78-2 is going to look like XD
This is also the first Gundam's bazooka (also used by GM) to come with the white parts.
Images from Datsu! Mikkabouzu.
Also, some updates on another MG I'm not getting: XD Zaku Cannon from Model Graphix August issue.
MG Zaku II Ver 2.0 with the most changes so far. ^^
Magazine scan from Toysdaily.