HGAW 1/144 Gundam X - 1,890 Yen (inclusive of tax).
SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors Shin No. 005 Sousou Gundam - 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors Shin No. 006 Sonken Gundam - 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
3 other released kits not shown are:
* SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors Shin No. 007 Soldier Unit - 420 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors Shin No. 008 Hakugin Ryuseiba (Horse Unit) - 315 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* Keroro Gunsou Plamo Collection Air Raider Dororo + Doro Sky - 735 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Images are from Moeyo.