A Gundam competition called "Gundam Competition Jogja 2010" has recently ended in Indonesia. It was held in Yogyakarta in conjunction with a local event called "Jogja Fair". Many other programs such as gaming, promotion for tourism and others were organized at the event, and apparently, this Gundam competition was part of the whole event as well.
As with "Jogja Fair", the competition lasted for 5 days:
* June 30th: Submission of participation
* July 1st: Public display
* July 2nd: Adjudication
* July 3rd: Announcement of the winners
* July 4th: Award presentation
3 categories offered in this competition are Basic, Advanced, and Free.
Images of the many entries from the competition:
Information about which category these models belong to is not available. And as you can see, some non-Gundam figures are shown as well.
Images and information are from Kaskus Forum. Link provided by Yudha.