Back to one-person henshin this time, ^^ the protagonist is Eiji Hino (火野映司) played by Shu Watanabe (渡部秀), and the henshin is via three coins called "Medals". By inserting the medals into different slots on his belt, Kamen Rider 000 can have multiple forms, all based on the theme of different animals.
A video clip showing the preview of this new Kamen Rider series:
Video clip is from Youtube. Follow this link to the website if you can't see anything.

If I'm not reading it wrongly, Shu Watanabe aims for Kamen Rider 000 to be number 1 among the 12 Heisei era Kamen Rider series from the video. ^^
From one of the images above, looks like there's going to be a bike that will turn into a vending machine of some sort. ^^ Quite interesting, not sure how that's going to work though. ^^
Images and information are from TV Asahi, Opus Magnum Blog, Kgm84, Oricon Style, Sankei MSN News.