Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 79 Date Masamune (伊達政宗) - November 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 80 Sanada Yukimura (真田幸村) - November 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 72 Reycal Orichalcum - August 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 73 Gloomy - August 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 74 Getter Dragon - September 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 75 Neo Getter 1 - September 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 76 Eva Test Type-01 [Berserk Ver] - October 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 77 Eva Provisional Unit-05 New Movie Edition - October 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 78 Dancouga - October 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Laevatein - Release info N/A.

Revoltech Yamaguchi Vol. 82 Arbalest - December 15th release, 2,400 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Fist of the North Star Revolution No. 15 Falco - October 1st release, 2,490 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Fist of the North Star Revolution No. 16 Juza - November 1st release, 2,490 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Fist of the North Star Revolution No. 17 Kenshiro Land of Asura Ver. - December 1st release, 2,490 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Revoltech Fist of the North Star Revolution No. 18 Nameless Asura - January 1st 2010 release, 2,490 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Megahouse's Excellent Model 1/8 Sheryl Nome - August release, 7,140 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Megahouse's Excellent Model 1/8 Ranka Lee Nyan Nyan Ver. - October release, 6,615 Yen (inclusive of tax).
All images from Moeyo: Link 1 (Revoltech - featuring NSFW Revoltech Queen's Blade images), Link 2 (Megahouse's Excellent Model), and UCI Official Blog.