The package art of "Gundam UC" OVA episode 2 "The Red Comet" is out.
Blu-ray disc version
DVD version
The jacket design is done by Kumiko Takahashi (高橋久美子, anime character designer) and Nobuhiko Genba (玄馬宣彦, mechanical designer).
It's also revealed that both release version will come with a few prizes:
* First batch release prize: Special sleeve designed by Hajime Katoki-sensei
* Included prize: Special 16-page booklet
November 12th release. The Blu-ray disc version is 6,090 Yen (inclusive of tax), while the DVD version is 5,040 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Gundam UC Episode 2 will be released in Japanese cinemas on October 30th, together with its Blu-ray disc advance sales (7,000 Yen) as well as the PlayStation Store version.
Images are from JBooks: Blu-ray disc, DVD.