1/100 Overflag - Remember, Graham's left-handed, so make sure you pose the rifle on his left ^^
Ali Al Saachez's Customized Enact - Quite a good model in my opinion. The new spread palm can surely makes some nasty poses (like trying to grab his prey or something similar). Not to mention the price is really quite low as well - 1,000 Yen (without tax).
HGUC Sazabi - the beam sword is in! ^^ but are all his beam weapons in transparent parts?
Images above are from Amazon Japan.
Also, Hobby Shop Midori has several promotional images of a few upcoming model kits. Hobby Search has listed all five of them for reservation. No image for these merchandises on the site at the moment, click on their name to link to their respective pages.
MG Shin Musha
1/100 Astraea Type F
1/100 Tieren Ground Type
BB Senshi Sangokuden Kanpei Gundam
1/35 Mechanic Collection Vinsent Commander Type
Images from Hobby Shop Midori.