Updates on MG Force Impulse Gundam, including a preview on its construction manual, as well as the "Phase-Impulse" SEED Destiny video clip.
The manual explicitly shows you that this Force Impulse Gundam is compatible with all the MG SEED/Destiny backpacks, like the IWSP shown here.
Folks can also have a 3D view of this model via Gundam.Info Guruguru, similar to that for HCM-Pro Gundam Deathscythe not long ago.
Finally, some screen shots from the "Phase-Impulse" SEED Destiny video clip:
MS hangar in Minerva with Zaku Warriors, Freedom Gundam, Sword Impulse... Awesome stuff ^^
So, remember, this MG is going to be out on the 22th of this month (Japan release date). That's just two days from now ^^
All images from Gundam.Info and Bandai Hobbysite.