Friday, September 17, 2010

Megahouse's Ryu Paladin Lord Zephyr Another Preview

Another preview of Megahouse's upcoming Variable Action "Hao Taikei Ryu Knight" Ryu Paladin Lord Zephyr, a more detailed one from Hobby Stock:

Comparison with the earliest release in the series, Ryu Knight Zephyr.

Each part of the tail behind the head is connected via ball joints, and can move freely.

Multiple sections for the shoulder joint.

Clear parts used for the ankles.
Clear parts are also incorporated for the head and back.

Weapons and accessories.

The combined shield and sword comes as a larger separated part.
Parts of the shield can be expanded.

An earlier preview can be seen in this previous posting.

This month release, 6,300 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Images are from Hobby Stock.