For your information only.
If a company duplicates an existing product from another company and sells it to the public without authorization, we call that pirating.
What about brand new products by Company P from an existing product line by Company B then? ^^;
Long before Bandai has any announcement regarding these three characters from BB Senshi Sangokuden, Chinese companies had released Dong Zhuo (董卓) Zaku, Sun Jian (孙坚) GP01, Sun Che (孙策) GP02A with their own runners, instruction manual, foil sticker and box art.
I only remember the days when Chinese brands duplicated the original kits with much lower quality, then after a while, Chinese brand MG and even PG. So, the days have finally come, for Chinese brand to start producing their own "original kits". Bandai is not the only company advancing in Gunpla technologies it seems ^^;
Goodness Gracious Bandai ^^;
Note 1: To be safe from being accused of encouraging piracy, I'll just post the link for you to verify that these items do exist in the market. I'll not list their prices. Please don't ask me how to get them also. ^^;
Note 2: The links provided may be hard to load sometimes. Yoo are warned. ^^;

Dong Zhuo Zaku

Sun Jian GP01

Sun Che GP02AFor your information, Sun Jian is the father of Sonken, Sun Che and Sonshoko. Sun Che is the eldest son of Sun Jian, the elder brother of Sonken.
Other "new" releases from dismantled original kits: ^^;

Kan-U with horse & weapon platform

Metallic Coating Sousou Gundam

Metallic Coating Shiba-I Sazabi

Metallic Coating Kan-U Gundam

Metallic Coating Chouhi Gundam

Chouun Gundam singular release

Ryofu Tallgeese singular release
* The box art is actually plagiarized from an actual mod done by a member on Toysdaily Forum ^^;

Sousou Gundam with weapon platform

Sonken Gundam with weapon platform

Ryubi Gundam with weapon platform

Chouhi Gundam with horseAnyway, I still recommend the original kit from Bandai. We are always unhappy with the company's Gunpla milking tricks, but still, to support continuous effort of the company in releasing newer and better Gunplas in the future, it's a must to buy original goods.
All images from Taobao dotcom.