Plenty of images to burden your Internet connection again. ^^
[Model Graphix & Hobby Japan] MG G Fighter Operation V for Gundam Ver. 2.0 - January 28th release, 5,880 Yen (inclusive of tax).
[Model Graphix] MG GM Ver. 2.0 - February release. 3,675 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Images from Toysdaily:
G Fighter,
[Model Graphix] PG Astray - March release, Price TBA
[Model Graphix] Gundam Double O Gunplas:

1/100 Cherudim - January 22nd release, 2,730 Yen (inclusive of tax).
It's "amazing" to see that even for the 1/100 scale version, the beam pistols/axes are still molded in a single color ^^;

HG 1/144 O Raiser - January 28th release, 840 Yen (inclusive of tax).

HG 1/144 GN Archer - January 8th release, 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax).

1/100 Arios - February release, 2,730 Yen (inclusive of tax).

HG 1/144 GN-XIII E.F.F. Color Ver. - January 22nd release, 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax).

HG 1/144 Exia Trans-Am Mode - 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax).
HG 1/144 Dynames Trans-Am Mode - 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax).
HG 1/144 Kyrios Trans-Am Mode - 1,575 Yen (inclusive of tax).
HG 1/144 Virtue Trans-Am Mode - 1,575 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* All January 22nd release.

HG 1/144 Gadessa - January 8th release, 1,575 Yen (inclusive of tax).
[Model Graphix] HGUC Rezin Schnyder's Customized Geara Doga: January 15th release, 1,890 Yen (inclusive of tax).
[Model Graphix] HGUC Zaku Ground Battle Set: February release, 2,310 Yen (inclusive of tax).
[Model Graphix] UCHG 1/35 E.F.F. Type 61 Tank 5 "Semovente Corps": January 22nd release, 9,450 Yen (inclusive of tax).
[Model Graphix] BB Senshi Sangokuden Gunplas:

Emperor Ryuubi - Already released, 2,100 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Koumei ReGZ & Chouun Gundam "Battle of the Red Cliff" Set - Already released, 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Rikuson Z Plus - January 15th release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Zhang He Zaku III - February release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).[Model Graphix] SHCM-Pro Exia:

March release, 5,040 Yen (inclusive of tax). DX version is of the same release date, 7,560 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Images from
[Hobby Japan & Model Graphix] HCM-Pro

HCM Pro 62-00 G-Box 00 Raiser Set - Already released. 4,725 Yen (inclusive of tax).
HCM Pro 65-00 O Raiser - March release. 1,785 Yen (inclusive of tax).

HCM-Pro 63-00 G-Box Arios + GN Archer Set - January release, 4,200 Yen (inclusive of tax).

HCM-Pro 64-00 Seravee - The hidden manipulators inside the knee cannons can be revealed (part-swapping) just like the Robot Damashii version. And has 4 beam sabers? February release, 4,200 Yen (inclusive of tax).[Hobby Japan] HCM-Pro Robot Damashii

- 00 Gundam + O Raiser Trans Am Color Ver. - Just released (27th December), 4,200 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- O Raiser - Just released (27th December), 1,365 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Seravee - Late January release, 4,987 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Ahead Mass Productive Type - Late January release, 2,625 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Mr. Bushido's Customized Ahead - Late February release, 2,625 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- GN Archer - Late February release, 2,625 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Turn X - Late February release, 3,150 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Gadessa - March release. 2,940 Yen (inclusive of tax).
- Garazzo - March release. 2,940 Yen (inclusive of tax).
[Hobby Japan] SDX Full Armor Gundam- Late March release. 6,090 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Images from Toysdaily:
Link 1,
Link 2.
[Hobby Japan] Gashapons, capsule toys and prize items:FW Gundam STANDart "A" White x "C" Red - All four types, featuring Nu Gundam and Sazabi, each with a normal and metallic paint scheme. Each has different marking design for both versions. Nu Gundam can be displayed mounting two sets of Fin Funnels on its backpack (two Nu Gundams required).
10cm tall each. Early January release, 998 Yen each (inclusive of tax).

More images, including the box art of each in this previous posting.Prop Plus Petit Gundam Double O 2nd Season Vol. 2 - All 10 types, 4cm tall each. Early March release, 473 Yen each (inclusive of tax).

The mysterious character turns out to be "alternate" Tieria in gown. ^^;
I bet nobody guess that right back in early November XDS.O.G.F. Vol. 3 - 7cm tall each. All 9 types including Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom, Gundam Sandrock Custom A & B, Gundam Nataku A & B, V Gundam Dash & Hex, Gunbuster and Gun-EZ. Late February release, 420 Yen each (inclusive of tax).

More images in this previous posting.Magnetic Scout Gundam (M.S.G.) Gundam Double O - Featuring all four Gundams from Gundam Double O Season 2. Gundam 00 has normal and Trans-Am mode coloring. All 5 types, 6cm tall each. Late February release, 200 Yen each.
SD Gundam Impact Vol. 3 - All 7 types featuring ZZ, Qubeley, Musha Gundam, Johnny Ridden's Customized High Mobility Type Zaku II, 00 Gundam and O Raiser. 3cm tall each. Mid January release, 100 Yen each.

00 Gundam and O Raiser are the unknown types when this merchandise was first announced back in October.Zeonic Eyes - First announced back in
early October. All 5 types featuring the most famous Zeon MSs from One Year War: Zaku II, Char's Zaku II, Dom, Acguy and Gouf. 5cam tall each. Not only the mono-eye camera for each of them is movable to the left and right, they can light up as well.
Late January release, 300 Yen each.
Gundam Double O Season 2 Soundrop - Key chain with sound - lines spoken by their respective
seiyuu. All 6 types featuring the four Meisters, Mr. Bushido and Patrick Colosawar. Late March release, 200 Yen each.
Banpresto's prize items:

* Kiba Gundam Gaiden Real Type Figure Knight Gundam with horse - All three types (Two different weapon sets: lance & sword, and his horse). 10cm tall. Late January release. (More images in
this previous posting)
* Gundam Head Display Series 4 - Featuring Strike, Ground Type Gundam, F91 and Devil Gundam. 10cm tall each. Mid January release.
* Gundam Seed series Deformania Collection Vol. 2 - All 3 types featuring Cagalli, Meer and Lunamaria. 10cm tall each. Late January release.
* Gundam Double O DX Heroine - All 4 types featuring (re-released) Sumeragi, Wong Liu Mei, Feldt and Christina. 18cm tall each. Late March release.
New design for Mega Block Gundam's frame - Much smaller tan the usual ones, but with increase articulation it seems. More details yet to be announced.

Images from
[Gundam Ace] Celestial Beings new space cruiser from Gundam 00F: CBC-68 Euclides.

"Euclides" references "Euclid of Alexandria", the Father of Geometry from ancient Greek I think.
Image from