Not one, but two photo reviews of the recently released BB Senshi Sangokuden Chouun Gundam with Hieisen.
The first one, a straight assembled version is from Himukai.Moe-Nifty:

Chouun's basic form looks really close to Ryuubi Gundam.

The weight of the dragon is something to consider when mounting it to the spear ^^;

Chooun electrified!! ^^

As compared to Ryofu Tallgeese's horse, Hieisen is much simpler (normal is a better word I suppose?) ^^;

Instead of sitting on the back of the horse, Chouun looks more like he's standing on it instead XD
Images from Himukai.Moe-Nifty.
We also have the painted one from Hinatatiki.

A preview on how long the combined spear (more like a trident now) will be as compared to Chouun himself.

Images from Hinatatiki.
Chooun Gundam is the 12th entry in the BB Senshi Sangokuden line (excluding the two special box sets and all the reissued kits that comes with special prizes), Ryomou Dijeh / Kannei Kampfer Gou Assault Marine set is next. Sangokuden fans, how many have you collected so far?
Not a big Sangokuden (and SD model in general) fan myself, I only have Shiba-I Sazabi so far ^^