Monday, July 14, 2008

Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 23

Variation: Fugitives Forever

Prelude to the arrival of His Majesty, plenty of Omlette Rice, and Cupid flying all around in this episode XD

A very late review on Kamen Rider Kiva again. ^^; So sorry for the delay, I downloaded the streaming video several times before finally getting to watch the full episode just now. Folks in Japan have already finished watching Episode 24 actually, as it was aired yesterday.

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Kivat Bat talks about the recipe for Omlette Rice at the beginning of the episode XD
Didn't know it has so much importance in the episode later on ^^

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The Queen strikes again, killing another fellow Fangire for falling in love with a human being.
So far all her victims are women.

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The mood of the show is changed completely after Maya's appearance. We first get to see Yuri and Jiro celebrating Master's 34th birthday.

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Otoya complains that nobody remember his birthday anymore, and Yuri confronts him about, Omlette Rice?!

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Back to present time, discussion in Master's cafe about Wataru's new found love, and Megumi's ideal choice. Looks like Keisuke's her type... very disappointing ^^;
Wait a minute, does Master looks like a 56-year-old here? Hmm...

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Ramon and Rikki's massage parlor is raid by the local council. Looks like they have been doing business without a permit ^^;

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Ramon and Rikki are brought to Master's cafe to work by their buddy Jiro. I'm surprise Rikki's oversize apron didn't scare away any customer XD

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Yuri's busy with her Omlette Rice.

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The center of this episode: Shinji and Ryoko, who are having some issue over their relationship. Shinji wants to break off with Ryoko for some unknown issue.

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Megumi's photo shoot session is disrupted with the absence of another model. This is a great chance for...

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... Mio-chan of course!

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Some very '80s-styled scenes of romance between Shinji and Ryoko, plus a bit of suspense from Maya.

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Yuri's hopeless attempts at her Omlette Rice, complete with sound effect of flies too XD

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Rikki seems to be enjoying the bad food though, and falls in love with Yuri for it. *Goodness* ^^;

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Maya is about to continue her Fangire hunt, when Otoya suddenly appears and (unintentionally) saves the couple.
Reminds me about one of the earliest scene between the meeting of Otoya and Yuri.

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Otoya lost sight of Maya, but arrives just in place to find Yuri and Jiro. It's one of those funny ridiculous love fight over Yuri again, like the one at the gathering in Episode 21. ^^;

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Megumi and Mio's photo shoot session.
I suppose you can call this a very 'subtle' fan service? ^^

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This week's Fangire action: Shinji the Grizzly Fangire.

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"A bear's opponent should be is a wolf eh?"

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As usual, the Fangire escapes in its first encounter with Kiva.
Well, at least Kiva didn't not suffer his own Garulu Saber as what happened in Episode 15 and 17.

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The escaped Shinji, visiting a very sick Ryoko in the hospital.
The story behind Ryoko's illness will be revealed next week I believe.

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Not-so-funny fight between Jiro and Otoya over Yuri anymore. Jiro wants to settle the score once and for all!

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An unconscious Otoya in the river, with Jiro watching on.

Preview for next week's episode, Emperor: Golden Fever.

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Shinji the Grizzly Fangire on the rampage! And Ixa having a taste of the Grizzly's claws.

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- Shinji confronted by Maya
- An unconscious Yuri?

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- Otoya and Jiro's fight continues
- Jiro's Garulu form exposed to Yuri?

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Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor Form!!

There are also some more preview on Kamen Rider Kiva: The King of Hell Castle at the very end of this episode.

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A winged Kamen Rider Arc, and Wataru as well?!

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You can watch this episode on Tudou (with Japanese and Mandarin subtitle).