Thursday, July 03, 2008

Kamen Rider Kiva Episode 22

Rhapsody: The Fate of the Ring

Deja Vu everywhere? ^^;

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Luckily for Otoya (but very unfortunate for Jiro ^^;), the wedding scene is only in Yuri's daydream. Jiro almost lands his first kiss on Yuri, right before Yuri is waken up by Master.

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Otoya and his new date, Kumi, who asks for a huge favor from him...

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... to work at a construction site in place of her brother. Smells like a trap as in Kengo's case back in Episode 13.

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Keisuke's short appearance in this episode, with his hands full with Kengo and his new number one admirer XD

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Kengo reveals his love at first sight for Mio, the clumsy waitress from last week (mistakenly named as Yuria back then ^^;).

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And just when you think Wataru isn't good in dating, Kengo's a lot worse! ^^;
Looks like only Otoya is up to the task in this entire series so far XD

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Jiro and Yuri go shopping in the boutique run by the Chameleon Fangire. Kumi's real purpose of going out with Otoya is also being revealed.

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Megumi pushes for Wataru and Mio, with poor Kengo understandably standing on the side. He can go for Megumi actually, since she is a lot tougher, and would probably have a bigger appetite for his cooking. ^^;

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Back in 1986, Yuri reminds Otoya about Kumi's fraud, but Otoya seems really cool about it, as always.

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And just when you think he's only acting cool, Otoya manages to outsmart both Kumi and the Chameleon Fangire.
That guy sure is talented. XD

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Otoya can't really fight back in his ridiculous dress. XD Luckily for him, Yuri comes to the rescue.

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"You're an idiot, completely." says Yuri to Otoya. XD But she seems more impressed than ever.

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Back to present days, it seems that the Chameleon Fangire still runs the same boutique, after 20 years, with almost no upgrade or renovation to his shop. XD
At least his own fashion sense and offerings are up to date ^^

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Just when you think Mio in her new dress can perform better...

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... oh dear~ ^^;

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Deja Vu? ^^; Same camera angle and scene takes from last week as well.

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Worse for Mio, she runs right into the Chameleon Fangire. Luckily for her, her boyfriend is Kamen Rider Kiva ^^

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The invisibility skill of the Fangire is giving Kiva some hard time again. Some help is needed.

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Kiva calls for the biggest muscle among his helpers. Strength versus agility, is that the right call?

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It's hammer time! Round Two!

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The Fangire has no where to hide under the 'True Eye' of Dogga Hammer. The rest of the story seems to be a bit too easy for Kiva ^^;

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Back in 1986, Yuri tells Jiro that she haven't plan to get married soon. Before Jiro can say more, his engagement ring ends up in the lake, thanks to Otoya.
Everything is now back to square one for the two of them in getting Yuri.

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It's a real happy ending for Wataru and Mio though ^^

A nice episode, but after the end of the show, I was thinking,

"Where's Rikki?" ^^;

It's such a strange thing to me, that Rikki seems to be center of previous episode, and with Kiva summoning his Dogga form this week, Rikki however, is completely absent from the story (except for him walking down the corridor in Castle Dran when he is summoned of course). Sure is a different treatment as compared to Jiro and Ramon, but at least it didn't really ruin the episode anyway.

Also, we haven't seen Shizuka-chan for some time now eh? ^^;

Preview for next week's episode, Overture: Fateful Intersection
- the return of Maya
- Rikki cooking for Master's cafe?
- Megumi and Mio in wedding dresses
- Garulu Saber!

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Still no hope with VeohTV, you can watch the unsubbed version of this week's episode on Tudou.