EDITED AGAIN: Added more images of MG Zaku II Ver. 2.0 Katsumi Kawaguchi Ver.

Release date/price TBA.
Image from Toysdaily.
First view of 00 Gundam's weapon, and the primary weapon is a GN Blade/rifle combo? ^^;
What do you think?
On the other hand, several upcoming Gunplas on display in Japan - definitely not from Gundam Expo Tokyo though, it's not even happening yet. No source of the event being provided on Toysdaily, but please enjoy the images anyway ^^

MG Zaku Cannon - being a straight assembled Gunpla, you can see that the red wire-like part on the shoulder shield is molded as well. Although I'm not interested in this kit, but I have to say that's really very cool ^^

HGUC Kampfer! Sieg Zeon!! ^^
The three thrusters on the left shoulder armor seem a bit strange though. ^^; But the color this time is definitely better than the rather greenish-blue (not very well described actually ^^;) as seen on the MG version.
Standing behind him is Rick Dom II Colony Color version.

HG 1/144 Enact Demo Color Ver. - repainted kit from Ali's Customized version, with two new heads given. Without the horn, the one shown here would be the grunt unit.
The rifle included should be new as well (not confirmed on that).

HG 1/144 GN-X - you probably heard this from me already, but the beam rifle looks awesome. ^^ It can be converted into the 'shorter' version as well.

BB Senshi Exia - Plenty of painting is needed for the head alone even though this BB Senshi version has the biggest one among all the Gunpla releases so far. ^^; Notice the white V-Fins (?) on top of the chest? Get ready your yellow Gundam marker for them ^^;
I suppose there's no yellow part being molded for this kit since the chest verniers need painting as well ^^;
Spotted several other models being displayed as well, including 1/100 Avalanche Exia, MG Zaku II Ver. 2.0 Katsumi Kawaguchi Ver., and 1/20 Fatty Ground Type Pailsen Files Ver. Hopefully I can get hold of more images to be posted here.
All images from Toysdaily.
EDITED AGAIN: More images of MG Zaku II Ver. 2.0 Katsumi Kawaguchi Ver.

A very exclusive-looking box cover ^^

Comes with Kawaguchi-sensei's signature too :D

Photo instruction showing you how to apply weathering effect on this model.

The runner for the extra weapons is from MG Kampfer, molded in different color.

Fatty Ground Type Pailsen Files Ver. will be Bandai's latest offering in its 1/20 Votoms Plamo series, after a seven-month absence since Scopedog Red Shoulder Custom.
Images above are from Datsu! Mikkabouzu.
EDITED: Images of several upcoming BB Senshi Sangokuden models:

Ryomou Dijeh & Kannei Kämpfer Gou Assault Marine Set - August release, 1,890 Yen
Image from Rakuten BigBe.

Chouryou Gelgoog - October, 630 yen
Shuusou Doven Wolf - November, 630 yen
Shuuyu Hyaku Shiki - November, 630 yen
Images from Hobby Net.
Also, a new Gundam diorama set called Gundam Robust Silhouette Collection Vol. 1 was being announced and displayed. It's currently a "under-development" merchandise, so no information about its price or release date yet. Then again, if you think that "Vol. 1" means this is the first of its series, that your're wrong. ^^ This will be the second set in the Robust Silhouette Collection series. The first set was out two years ago.

Featuring Gundam RX-79[G], Zaku Marine, Gelgoog, Zaku Tank, and GM Sniper. Folks who are looking for beautiful Gundam dioramas for display on their desks should be very interested in this release ^^
Image from Toysdaily.