Monday, August 03, 2009

Kamen Rider W's Weapons & Vehicles

The new Kamen Rider really has some fancy stuff to use ^^

The obligatory henshin belt. ^^

Sword/Rod? for the red/silver mode.

Blaster for the yellow/blue mode.

Gadgets transformable into little animals, similar concept used by Hibiki?

Even his bike has various add-ons it seems, deployed from a carrier-like vehicle.

Not too sure about the design of Kamen Rider W himself, but his tools seem quite cool, especially the carrier of his bikes. ^^

Then again, Kamen Rider fans who have been collecting related toys and merchandises, please brace yourself for a new wave of wallet drainage.

Second round within this year. Ouch! ^^;

All images from Toysdaily.