Advertised on Gundam Ace, Kadokawa is set to release a limited edition version of Gundam Unicorn Volume 4. The limited edition novel version will come with Beam Gatling Gun, which can be attached to the upcoming MG Unicorn Gundam ver Ka. The limited edition verion comes out on April 26, 2008 priced at 1260 yen.
Wow! That's really unfair for fans in Malaysia. The opportunity for us to get this exclusive prize is very thin, and I suppose it's no chance at all for people like me who live on the East side of the country. Also, since the novel is in Japanese, it's not really worth it for people who like Gundam Unicorn but is illiterate to Japanese.
I'm starting to hate this kind of limited edition stuff >_<
"Who needs a new Gatling? Gundam Unicorn can borrow mine if he wants."
Speaking of limited edition stuff, here's another one: Limited GFF Metal Composite Casval's Gundam RX-78-2.
End of January 2008 release, 8,190 Yen.
Images from Amiami.