Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kotobukiya's August Plamo Releases

Confirmation of the four plamo kits from Kotobukiya mentioned the other day. All of them are going to be released in August.

SRW OG 1/144 RPT-007 Mass Productive Type Gespenst Mark II Kai [Kai Kitamura's Unit] - 4,725 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Armored Core 1/72 Vanguard Overed Boost - 2,940 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Armored Core 1/72 Rosenthal CR-HOGIRE Noblesse Oblige - 5,460 Yen (inclusive of tax).

Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram 1/100 RVR-75 Raideen II (RNA Side) - 8,190 Yen (inclusive of tax).

All images from Hobby Stock.