SRW OG 1/144 ART-1 - 150mm tall. July release, 5,040 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Armored Core 1/72 Arc Line White-Glint - 160mm tall. This month release, 7,140 Yen (inclusive of tax).
All images from Kotobukiya.
On the other hand, CM's has confirmed the release of Linebarrel in its Brave Gokin series. First shown as CAD sketch in Hobby Japan May Issue (last month), we can now have a much clear look at this new Linebarrel merchandise.

The design is quite different as compared to the plamo release from Kotobukiya, or Volks' 1/144 [N.E.X.T.] and Mega Hobby Station's Variable Action action figures. The legs are much longer, especially the thigh, and with much slimmer body as well.
Shoulder joints and a few other parts are produced with die-cast materials. Part swapping for all the parts in Overdrive mode. Comes with two katanas, Executor and a display base.
180mm tall. June release, 17,640 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Image from Amiami.