EDITED AGAIN: New info about 1/100 00 Gundam (bottom of this post).

Thanks to everyone who provided the translation to their names in the comment section. ^^ Right now, I will stick to NZ-003 Gadessa and GNR-101A GN Archer.
Information from CyberGundam (potential spoilers here and there, highlight to read - at your own risk ^^;):
- GN Archer will be piloted by Marie
- GN Archer can combine with Arios
- Louisse will upgrade from piloting GN-XIII to Soma's Customized Ahead
- NZ-003 Gadessa is an MS specialized for Innovator
- Mr. Bushido's Ahead is Sakigake (? - サキガケ. Full text: ブシドーアヘッドはサキガケ)
For the Gunplas, both units are in HG 1/144 scale format. Gadessa is 1,575 Yen, while GN Archer is 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax). Also to be released in the HG 1/144 line is O Raiser, which can combine with 00 Gundam.
All three to be released in January next year. No information on O Raiser's price at the moment.
Image from Vipper Dot Org.
Also, new images of HCM-Pro G Box 00 Gundam + O Raiser:
Comparison with the singular release of HCM-Pro 00 Gundam. I like the more subtle color of this new 00 Gundam, instead of the very bright conventional Gundam color scheme of the previous release.
December release, 4,725 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Images from Gundamer Dotcom.
Still on Gundam Double O, Gundam Dot Info has an extensive review on the prize item of 1/144 Full Kit Gundam Rasiel from Dengeki Hobby:
Some serious paint job required XD
Some basic articulation via hinges not polycap. Reminds me of my old FG Gundam RX-78-2 and Zaku II XD
Images from Gundam Dot Info.
Gundam Rasiel will be included for Dengeki Hobby January 2009 issue. November 25th release. That's one week from now. Contacted your local bookstore yet? ^^
This is how the cover will look like:
Image from Amazon Japan.
EDITED AGAIN: 1/100 00 Gundam - in this previous posting, I said that 1/100 has ball-single type for the pelvis joint. New images from Gunpla Secret Factory showed that it does have separation for the thigh joint.
Thank goodness ^^
Image from Gunpla Secret Factory.