It's in Japanese though. ^^;

A few things I do get from the article:
- Project MG Exia was green lit at the end of last year, about 7 months before its actual release. That very much tells you that Bandai's plans for the list of MG to be released next year are pretty much in the process of final approval right now? ^^
- MG Exia was set to achieve a even higher standard than the SHCM-Pro version, but is a combination of all the betterment from the Exia variations in the past, including the FG version.
Folks who can read Japanese should go and have a look at the interview, another big time reason for that is Mr. Nishizawa is also involved in the design of the upcoming PG 00 Raiser. Maybe you can find some hints to the design elements from there. ^^
Images from Gundamer Dotcom.