Monday, February 11, 2008

MSIA Exia Clear Type & Others

A transparent Mobile Suit in Action Exia. Interested?

Personally, I hate models or figures molded in clear plastics ^^; How can they look beautiful when all the joining points inside are visible? And since all the colors are painted on clear parts, they seem to be mixed up when viewed from certain angles, especially the face. Usually you can't see the face of the model well.

Then again, this MSIA is going to be quite exclusive. If not mistaken, it's not for sales, but it's a prize for some sort of lucky draw.

All images from GA Graphic.

Also, a very little bit of update on HG 1/100 Virtue - his Nadleeh mode:

Not bad at all, there are plenty of details on both Virtue and Nadleeh.

Some tiny-biny updates on HCM-Pro Tieren and Gouf Custom as well: ^^; their box covers:

HCM-ProTierenBox_s HCM-ProGoufCustomBox_s
Images from Toysdaily.

Finally, for those of you who are looking for extra details for your models, you might want to consider this following merchandise:

Mobile Staff - 480 Yen, late February release.
Image from Hobby Search.

A whole bunch of figures to decorate your models with. It should be great to be used together with Kotobukiya's Mechanical Bases. Not for me though, painting the 1/100 figures is enough to make me go berserk, and these are in 1/144 scale ^^;